Panna cotta

This is such an easy, but beautiful dessert to serve for company in the summer when fresh berries are in season. Gelatine leaves work better, but powdered gelatine is easier to find generally.


* 400ml double cream
* 4½ tablespoons caster sugar
* 2 tablespoons grappa (Italian grape-based liqueur)
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
* 3 leaves or 1¼ teaspoons gelatine
* 300g berries, to serve


  1. Put the cream and sugar in a saucepan and stir over gentle heat until sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and simmer for 3 minutes, adding the grappa and vanilla.
  2. If you are using gelatine leaves, soak them in cold water until floppy, then squeeze out any excess water. Stir the leaves into the hot cream until they are completely dissolved. If you are using powdered gelatine, sprinkle it onto the hot cream in an even layer and leave it to absorb for a minute, then stir in the cream until dissolved.
  3. Pour the mixture into four 125 ml metal or ceramic ramekins. Cover each with a piece of plastic wrap and refrigerate until set.
  4. Unmould the panna cotta by placing the ramekins briefly into a bowl of hot water and then tipping them gently onto plates.
Serve with fresh berries

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