Swiss roll

• 4 eggs
• 125g caster sugar
• 2 tablespoons warm water
• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
• 125g flour

For the filling
• 6 tablespoons strawberry or three-berry jam
• 225ml cream

  1.  Preheat oven to 190degC. 
  2. Line the base of a 25cm x 38cm swiss roll tin with baking paper, and brush with melted butter.
  3. Beat eggs and caster sugar together until  light and fluffy, then add water and vanilla essence. 
  4. Sift flour, and fold into wet ingredients. 
  5. Pour mixture into baking tin and bake for 12–15 minutes, or until the centre of the cake springs back when touched and the edges have shrunk away from the sides. 
  6. Gently tip the swiss roll onto a piece of  baking paper sprinkled with caster sugar. Remove baking paper from the bottom of the cake.
  7. Place a clean, damp tea towel over the cake for 30 minutes and allow to cool. The damp tea towel will prevent the cake from drying out.
  8. Meanwhile, make the filling. Beat the whipped cream until soft peaks form. Add jam, then beat until stiff peaks form.
  9. When cake is cool, dollop jam onto it, then a layer of whipped cream. Roll up the cake and sprinkle with caster sugar or decorate with a chocolate rose.

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