Balls peanut butter - melt in your mouth good

Sodium is a part of my life. Not necessarily that I would like to eat everything, but there is something about the praise that taste the best of itself is delicious.

This year, and spend the Christmas holiday arrived, and I did the thing that surprised everyone. And announced that I will do my holiday oven usual, which is not really the bread is much more like making candy. I thought that this would be useful because it may put in a lot of time and effort to improve myself with P90X, and I do not want me to surrender the will to holidays.

My decision and, of course, no support. So my husband decided to comprimise. I have no oven to do my holiday ... But I had to do until Christmas and Holiday cakes, gifts, candy, and peanut butter balls. So, I decided it was time to test my will power and go for it. After all, it was the holidays.

Now, I'm not really sure where the balls of peanut originated from, and I know that there are several different recipes out there that make similar kind of fun, with some of the different components. This is the recipe I've used for years, and part of my family cookbooks.

Not only are these delicious little sweet, but not easy to achieve this is in fact not necessary limited to only these holidays. I have been doing for years, with the exception of this year, and usually creates a surplus of them. After that I did and peanut butter balls set, usually a bag and freeze to remain fresh for longer periods of time.

However, this year, apparently did not do enough. Although usually find these balls of peanut butter in the freezer for me come June of this year did not get to the end of January. Gone are the peanut butter balls. Therefore, you made me think. Maybe I need to do something else. Children love them and, frankly, is not the worst gift you could have a craving for chocolate.

While the amount of calories depends on the type and the type of chocolate you use, (and of course how big your balls) this dessert almost 100 calories per transaction. I can not think of many other things that are worse than that. Unfortunately, you can not eat just one. So I have been warned.

Now let's get to it ...
Leave a large bowl and mix until
Once all mixed, it will be a large bowl of porridge. This is the time to get the others around to help you roll into balls. Be prepared, you will get your hands dirty!
Source: Barbergirl28

A short list for this recipe, which is good because it means that most of the time you have everything at hand. Or, if you need to run to the store to pick up the ingredients, and you know you will not break the bank.

2 cups peanut butter
2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about half a pack of biscuits)
2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup margarine
A block of chocolate (dark or normal - whatever you prefer)

In addition to the ingredients, and Laszlo will need a large bowl for mixing ingredients in a bag the size of the gallon ziploc to crush the cookies into crumbs, measuring cups, wax paper so that the chocolate is set, grill and a double (to heat the chocolate).

Kids love to help do so. As you can see, is in deep concentration to ensure they have the size and shape perfect!
Source: Barbergirl28
Immersion and wetting
I have a special tool for sweets, but dunking a fork will work just as well. Make sure you cover the ball with chocolate. Work quickly. Hot chocolate and may cause balls of peanut butter to soften.

This is how we do ...

This recipe is easy. You can even get the kids involved in the initial stages.

As is the case in all the sodium, make sure you have all the elements and all the tools and ready for delivery. While nothing will happen if they do not because there is really nothing here on time, make your life easier in the kitchen.

The first thing we do is break down the cookie. I put some files in the whole bag at one time and then the delivery of children outside. Like the crumbling up. When you are done, take a rolling pin on top to make sure there is not much left over collapses.

Now measure the ingredients ... Mix peanut butter, crackers, powdered sugar and ghee. Do not try this with a spoon. It will take forever, and your arm gets tired. Even get dirty with it, and dig with both hands. It will be the best consistency and it is much easier for you.

Once everything mixed, to take to the small balls. Do you want to put a piece of waxed paper on cookie sheet and put there. After the ball is thrown, you can go directly to a reduction in chocolate, but I prefer them, and put it in the refrigerator or freezer for about an hour. This will help them to continue together to begin to put it in hot chocoloate.

Now is the time to prepare the chocolate. In the water instead of chicken in a double down the stairs and chocolate in the top drawer. Even if you have a double broiler and you probably already know that! Melt the chocolate.

When ready, place a sheet of waxed paper and start dipping your balls in chocolate. Let's put it on waxed paper until chocolate is good and tight. Then you can put on the decorative plate for everyone to enjoy or can be packaged in a gallon ziploc bag and put it in the refrigerator or freezer. Usually freeze mine, and can be up to 6 months or more.

Yes - It's that easy!

Homemade Pierogi - sometimes the meal comes with a story behind it. Do not miss this great center of the facts and traditions of the family with all the mixed ingredients. And his mouth watering, you do not even dare to give this a try.

Revenge - Lip Smackin "Well - not a recipe ... but for some it may be very good!

Ice cream and peanut butter pie - if you have something to peanut butter, this is the candy you do not want to miss.
Some additional observations

This recipe produces 50 to 60 different balls, depending on how large you make.
This is a great gift for a deal with other goodies such as a nice gift, homemade.
This is very easy ... Even the children of participants.
While it is good to have children involved, and should always be adults who make a decline in chocolate. Chocolate and pan is hot, and can cause burns.
You will get dirty. Do not wear clothes in the best of what they have to this adventure.
Once and dropped balls in the chocolate and let the plan out of the fridge for at least an hour or two. You want to make is good and solid before packing them.
Feel free to change it. While in normally just use chocolate, and this year I was dark chocolate. The results were a surprise, which is probably why we have gone.

This is a sweet enough that having one is definitely a treat for the sweet tooth.
Sarah is not if you do this once and people suddenly being asked to do so again.
These balls peanut butter is addictive. I dare to eat just one!

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How to make whole wheat pancakes moist and fluffy

Easy recipe for pancakes: Sri soft wheat pancakes

Anyone can make a decent omelette. But not everyone can make a surprisingly fluffy, golden brown, and a healthy cake that would make the doctor proud. What is the secret to fluffy pancakes from scratch?

We know that whole wheat has a tendency to produce a thick pancake. However, today you will learn how to make whole wheat bread with a secret special wet. Yes, you read correctly. Moist, thin, and healthier. This easy recipe calls for the replacement of 1/2 pie white flour with whole wheat flour and ... Sour cream. Just follow the secrets below and you're on your way to health is perfect for pancakes.

Whole wheat pancakes light and fluffy in the inside and golden on the outside, with a touch of freshness.
It's the little things that make a difference!

Secret # 1: Let the dough rest at least 10 minutes.

Let the mixture stand at room temperature for at least 10 minutes. Allow to soak up some flour liquidity in the cluster, while allowing the gluten to relax. Supported after the mixture and get something bubbly, do not mix.

Secret # 2: Beat the egg whites

Separate eggs and beat egg whites until stiff, then add in the rest of the dough.

Secret # 3: Temperature Control

If cooking on the stove, and measuring the temperature in the pan, and put a few drops of water in and see if the "dance" around. If the fall was just sitting there, it's too cold and if it evaporates too quickly, the weather is very hot.

If you are using a language with the temperature of the plate, which coincides with the temperature of the thickness of the mass. I prefer my pancakes on the thinner side, so I set to 350F.

= Mass of the HOT PAN thin (to cook food quickly) heavy hitter = COOLER PAN (to give time to cook through)

Secret # 4: Cream

Sour cream gives these pancakes divine silky texture and richness and added to taste. Are safe enough and healthy, but can not be made tremendous progress in the number of calories your own. Using a combination of both flour and whole wheat white flour gives a nutty sweet and fiber increase, however, does not produce dense tissue. He added a recipe for some oil and butter, but do not really need. Sometimes less is more. In this case, doubt about what to expect.

Secret # 5: Do not pay your pie

For the love of God, and resist the urge to press the pancake with your spatula. This is not one of those hitting the "mole" games. Delivered once and let it do its thing!

Wait waaaait ... To ...
I see a bubble!
The component is ....!
Sour cream and adds that "wow factor" that led to the super full WET wheat pie.
Wheat pancakes recipe

Ingredients for pancakes:

½ cup whole wheat flour
½ cup All purpose flour
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
Half a teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons of sour cream
¾ cup of low fat milk, 2% (or whole milk)
1 egg large

Technique is simple:

· Monitoring of the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, sugar, baking powder and salt)
· Beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Add milk and sour cream.
· Add the dry ingredients slowly, beating briefly after each addition until smooth. Do not over mix. There is nothing wrong in getting some of the blocks.
· Let the mixture sit for at least 10 minutes.
· Scoop ¼ cup of the mixture in the pan / grill and cook for 2-3 minutes.

* Use a long spoon, carefully passed under each pie on the face.

· Let the pancakes cook for 2 minutes.

· Pies my feet on the spot! Enjoy with a little pure maple syrup!

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Chicken Flamingo - a recipe my favorite tradition

This recipe seems like a lot at first, but after making this a few times this is a cinch. I make it on special occasions, and it is great when we are having a party too large. Can not be grilled chicken on the grill outside or inside. I also used my George Foreman grill for the preparation of this and that works great too. I use the outdoor grill if I'm having a few guests because you can cook the chicken more at one time. If I'm just making a few meals or if it was raining and I use the grill in enclosed spaces. Snow was falling yesterday so I used the stove top method.

I cook the side dishes in the same almost every time. This is what the parties can order in a restaurant and they make it a complete meal! I also worked out of time so that the completion of each item of the cooking at the same exact time. I will give the recipe this way so it is very easy to follow.

Wash all vegetables and chicken. Asked once what kind of soap, one should be used to wash the chicken, so let me be clear, were not you want to use Dawn dish soap or any other soap on food. The cold water should do the trick!

Preheat oven to 450 degrees collect your ingredients, and lets get this party started!
Source: RealHousewife

Red or brown potatoes
Olive oil
Italian seasoning

A slice of potato to 8 wedges. Coat them with olive oil workshop with Italian spices or garlic. If you want you can simply use salt and pepper. Bake for about 40 minutes or until potato wedges are golden brown.
Source: RealHousewife
Source: RealHousewife
Prepare the chicken

Chicken breast or chicken Tenderloins
Olive oil
Panko bread crumbs
Provel cheese

I use a hammer to attack meat chicken and laminate it. It also allows me to cook more evenly since the meat flat and thinner, but this step is not necessary. I next roll the chicken in olive oil, then bread crumbs, but this is set up very slightly baked you do not have to worry about paint so perfect.

Put the chicken on the grill and cook for about 10 minutes on each side over medium heat.
Source: RealHousewife
White wine sauce

White wine such as Pinot Grigio or CHABLIS
Sliced ​​mushrooms
Prosciutto Ham
1/2 C of butter
1/2 C of lemon juice
1/2 C of white wine
1/8 tsp. Of red pepper flakes.

Mix all ingredients together except pork prosciutto. Bring to a boil low and allow these elements together to cook until the chicken. Toss pork during the last minute of cooking the sauce. This should take about 20 to 30 minutes for flavors to combine reality and mushrooms and to absorb the sauce.

Steamed broccoli

I use a steam basket is a way to prepare vegetables for me. I just trim the florets and steam them until they are bright green, about 8 minutes. If you overcook the broccoli turns ugly, and they are very soft. Home cooks pasta sauce with broccoli in it - and this does not allow the flavor to penetrate the vegetable sauce, but it can turn into a green color in the sauce so I do not do this.

Grilled chicken at a time of your own potatoes is that you should be prepared to come out of the oven and should be broccoli. I melt a little cheese provel on the top of the chicken. You do not want to drown the chicken with the sauce - is a bit tart so you only need a few tablespoons and it is perfect!

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Egg mayonnaise sandwiches sandwich is the perfect party.

And it's very popular mayonnaise egg sandwich recipe is quick and easy to make delicious.

A step by step guide on how to make egg sandwich in May.

Therefore, the necessary ingredients for a box full of snacks, but you can change to make a single egg mayonnaise sandwich or a few only.

And take all the pictures in this article for the establishment of this wonderful sandwiches myself. When I give step by step and one of the quick and easy recipes for me, I always use the images of my method.

I think it creates a rule that honest and straightforward, and shows how to create these wonderful recipes that use all the time with my kitchen.
Egg mayonnaise sandwiches: My own
View all 16 photos
Cook the eggs for seven minutes

Egg mayonnaise sandwiches


Ten large eggs
Twenty piece of bread, white or brown

Step 1

Laying eggs carefully in cold water and boil for seven minutes.
The water should cover the top of the eggs.
Added two pinches of salt to the water as this will prevent eggs from cracking in hot water.
Place eggs in a bowl of cold water

Step 2

When boiled for seven minutes left in the hot water for two minutes again.
Pour hot water and add the boiled eggs in a bowl of cold water.
Remove the egg shells.

If this is the reduction of difficult sometimes to the rear of the eggs in cool water and continue to remove all the shells from eggs
Remove the bark of hard-boiled eggs
Eggs with shells removed
Mashed boiled eggs almost

Step 3

Mash up egg with a fork.
First, by this almost large pieces.

Then, still using a fork to make boiled eggs into small pieces suitable for egg sandwiches in May.
Boiled eggs mashed fine
Fresh parsley
Add the chopped fresh parsley

Step 4

Add fresh parsley
Chopped fresh parsley straight from the station a big difference with the taste of these eggs mayonnaise sandwiches.

You can grow in your garden or buy a factory in the supermarket, and stopped growing in a pot in a sunny spot in your kitchen.

Delete a group of plants and cut parsley storks.

The parsley cut into smaller pieces.

The number and size of chopped parsley depends on your preference.

I prefer to let parsley is sufficiently large that are clearly visible in the sandwich.

This also brings back the taste of this wonderful herb.

Mix eggs in a bowl.
Boiled eggs and fresh parsley
Add the mayonnaise with the egg and parsley
Add the mayonnaise with the egg and parsley

Step 5

Take tablespoons of mayonnaise and put it in a small bowl.
The amount will depend again on the taste.
I would use a lot of mayonnaise, as it brings the ingredients together, and makes a delicious sandwich.

It should be moist and white wet mixing time is everything.

At this stage you can add a little salt, but only very little in that the eggs do not really need much flavor to it.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let stand in refrigerator for thirty minutes.
The mixture of whole egg mayonnaise
Make an egg mayonnaise sandwich

Step 6

Butter your bread.
Mayonnaise remove eggs from the refrigerator.
Spread mixture over bread sandwich.
Egg sandwich cut into triangles at the Mayo Clinic.
Place on a tray covered with a large size.
Garnish with chopped fresh parsley.

Leave in the refrigerator until needed.
The quick and easy recipes: eggs, mayonnaise sandwiches

As you can see in this guide step by step through the egg mayonnaise sandwich is popular fast and easy to make delicious to eat. I have included pictures of me and I prepared this recipe so you can see how easy it is to make these egg mayonnaise sandwiches.

Until next time to organize the party at home Why not add egg mayonnaise sandwich in his lunch for the party.

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Vegetarian PIZZA

If you are a strict vegetarian, or a new plant in particular, or if you have to cook for a vegetarian, you may wonder how to make a good vegetarian pizza.

Make a vegetarian pizza is very simple, and that vegetarians eat cheese. Therefore, you can make a cheese pizza, or even just a natural cheese pizza loaded with all kinds of vegetables.

The challenge for the vegetarian pizza is the fact that vegetarians do not eat cheese. A cheese plant for sale, and, of course, but even before it goes on this road should consider something else.

Original pizza, one in which all the others are pizza originated in Naples in southern Italy and is known as the Pizza Marinara. That the original pizza, for the first time a reality, not cheese.

This seems very strange to most of us who are used to match the stringy cheese pizza dripping. However, in Italy and southern Europe in general, pizza without cheese is very common.

In the Mediterranean region, covering North Africa and the Near East and South East Asia, Europe, and is sometimes used as a descriptive chips pizza dough. Pies, pizza without cheese is amazing too.

In fact, although we think of when we think of pizza in the pizza, making pizza great is the rule. Without the presence of a suitable base, no matter how good the ingredients are, unfortunately, and pizza will be a failure.

Is a real meal with Italian Marinara Pizza 00, and this is good, such as talcum powder, but with a lot of protein and gluten, so it can stretch very thin, but still very strong and an excellent thin crust base.

In addition, real pizza marinara must be baked in wood burning oven super hot, so hot pizza can be cooked in a little bit of every 60 to 90 seconds.

If you do not have a wood oven baked pizza, do not worry. Although you can get a wood fired ovens in the reach of your backyard now, and there is also a pizza oven amazing counter top that does an excellent job. Instead, you can get bread pizza stone also gives superior results.

Marinara Pizza is one true marinara sauce ingredients, oil, garlic, oregano and olive oil.

Again, the ingredients are very important here. It consists sauce tomatoes marinara with authentic San Marzano, oil, garlic, thyme and olive oil must be fresh.

Now if you want to add components to this, you must do so in moderation and good taste. American tradition of pizza rapid accumulation of food ingredients on the pizza is not for this purpose.

You can get a very innovative combinations, especially using such

Oven roasted garlic and red pepper pizza
Garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil and olive quality (with the drill!) And mustard seeds
Tomato pesto pizza
Mushrooms and artichokes seasoned with lemon juice and pepper pizza hearts
White garlic sauce with onions, homemade caramel, and fresh sliced ​​tomatoes, red pepper and a little chopped
Pizza Potato (paper thin sliced ​​potatoes with fresh rosemary, chopped, onion, pepper and ground (optional), and extra virgin olive oil) - Pizza certainly alien to the American ear, but a common favorite in Europe.

Now, if this is not for you, you can go from the traditional fast-food pizza the U.S., and only veganize.

Thus, a vegetarian alternative to cow's milk cheese, cheese, and you can even get a flavor of the meat alternatives pepperoni, salami or ham.

There are even vegetarian frozen pizza taste good too.

Regardless of the path you go, there really is a lot of options for vegetarians who want to eat pizza.

Not only that, but do not have to be a fake vegetarian alternative, but the real pizza, real, original, as it was supposed to be.

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Chinese honey chicken and rice dinner in 20 minutes!

Also be sure to Sweet and Sour, Kung Pao Chicken and Orange!

No doubt this is the favorite food of my family. I developed this method of cooking chicken in order to mimic the Pei Wei Honey Chicken and Panda Express Orange Chicken, but without the fat to fry. I love this recipe because it's quick and easy, and because this method of cooking chicken is low in fat, but tastes so good. For cooks like me who sometimes forgot to remove the chicken from the freezer in time, I should mention that you are my honey chicken or frozen chicken parts (I know because I've done many times). Another advantage is that you use the same method to do all kinds of different foods. In fact, I often cook the chicken and then 2-4 different dishes at once. You can also use this method of cooking chicken Orange Chicken, Kung Pao, sweet and bitter! If you do not like chicken, or want some variation in the flesh, you can also use pork. Give instructions for the following variations.

Honey Chicken

1-2 pounds chicken or pork cut into 1 "(frozen or deep frozen, some is OK)

1/4 cup and 1/2 of corn flour (flour is also used, but is not as crisp)

A tea. Garlic, salt

1/2 tea. ground ginger (optional - is a stronger taste of Asia, but my kids do not like)

1/3 cup and 1/2 of honey (not really measure, but just pour into the mold until the sauce has so much as I want)

Photos by step instructions picture.

First Diced chicken on the cutting board.

Second Sprinkle the meat with the cornstarch. Mix until all pieces are covered.

Third Heat the pan and take the chicken (you can add a little oil if you like, but do not really need).

4th Stir and fry until chicken is just done through. This takes about 7 minutes. If you cover the pan, you can go faster, but the chicken is not as crisp. Even if the chicken is frozen, it takes a little longer and not as crisp.

5th As the chicken is done (not usually measured, but only from the container, pour the honey) honey, pour sauce or another. Cook until it begins to bubble.

6th Serve over rice or noodles (see recipe below).

7th You can save for later reheating and still tastes very good, despite the loss of the crispy skin.


First Orange Chicken: Cook, as above, but put on Panda Express Orange Chicken Sauce (or other orange chicken sauce) instead of honey.

Second Kung Pao Chicken. Chicken cook as above. When just cooked, place in a bowl. Saute 1 cup onion and 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper (I like red and green color). Place chicken on a plate. Place 1/2 cup peanuts or cashews in a frying pan and fry until you get a good flavor. Place the chicken mixture, onion and bell pepper to the pan and mix. Pour the sauce over commercial or Kung Pao with my homemade version (very good!).

Kung Pao sauce

In a small bowl, mix:

1 1/2 TB soy sauce

2 tb Sherry

A tea. Chicken broth

1TB of vinegar (red or rice)

2 tea. Sugar

A tea. Ginger

1 TB cornstarch

Pour the chicken, onion, bell pepper and mix peanut / cashew and cook until thick and champagne.

Third Sweet and Sour. Chicken cook as above. Place in a bowl. Saute 1 cup onion and 1/2 cup chopped bell pepper (I like red and green color). Place chicken on a plate. Boil 1 cup fresh pineapple (which is nice, but works well preserved). Add chicken mixture to give back, onion and bell pepper to the pan and mix. Pour into a jar of sweet and sour sauce. Cook until bubbling and serve over rice.

Perfect rice

Of course, if you have a rice cooker, you can do it, but a Chinese friend of mine told me how to cook rice perfectly years ago, and it always works.

2 cups water

1 cup rice

A tea. Salt

Bring some water and salt in a saucepan. When the water boils, put the rice and stir. Reduce heat and the pot. Setting the timer to 18 minutes. When the rice before cooking the chicken should begin right at the same time be carried out - dinner in under 20 minutes!

Simple Noodle

3 cups cooked Chinese noodles or spaghetti

1 tb sesame oil (or vegetable oil)

1-3 cups chopped vegetables such as onions, bean sprouts, shredded carrots, Chinese cabbage, water chestnuts or bamboo shoots (I use what I have in the fridge or the cupboard!)

Mix the sauce: 2 TB soy sauce, chicken broth 2 TB, 2 TB sherry or other wine

Oil in skillet. Add cooked noodles and stir until hot. Place the noodles in a bowl. Add vegetables to the pan (thicker at first) and fry until almost cooked. Place the noodles and then mix and cook until vegetables are just done. Pour the sauce mixture and cook until bubbles. Serve alone or with honey chicken on top.

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Bake your own cakes of fantasy!

Why are the muffins are the best!

Cupcakes are best because they have this time of the cake, but you can on a personal level. Never feel like you ate too much with a cupcake, but a piece of cake can sometimes be overwhelming or too difficult.

Muffins, either vanilla, chocolate or any combination of the two are. Cupcakes are good in both directions. If you have to feed a group, make cupcakes that everyone knows how they get their fair share. With a little cake, anyone can make a rose ....

Depending on how you can decorate cakes from casual to go from simple to elaborate, from children's birthday parties, weddings and gala balls.

For starters I have a vanilla cupcake, a dairy and a special cake recipe egg free, including one for chocolate coating.
Cupcakes vs. Muffins - Blogger solve the puzzle

All cakes, all the time: Muffins vs. Cupcakes Redux
The quick and dirty answer to that is that cupcakes have frosting, whereas muffins do not. But in the research, I found an excellent definition of the difference formulas ...

Super-vanilla cupcakes

1 3/4 cups cake flour, not yeast
1 1/4 cups unbleached flour
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into 1 inch cubes
4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Start preheating the oven, setting it to 325 degrees.

Get your small cake pans prepared by lining with paper liners.

Implementation of your electric mixer with the paddle. Use this function to combine the flour, salt, baking powder and sugar, mixing at low speed. Then add the butter a few cubes at a time and let it mix until the butter covered with just flour, then stop the mixer.

Well, in a separate container of vanilla extract, milk and eggs, stirring. Turn the mixer back in the middle and slowly pour in wet ingredients. Use a spatula to scrape down sides of bowl as you pour this part in. Do not over beat the batter.

Use a spoon or small cup with a peak measurement to fill muffin tins. Fill each cupcake shirt will increase only two-thirds or cupcakes too far when they burn and bake in the tray.

The cupcakes should be about 17-20 minutes. Half of cooking, rotating the mold in the oven. Muffins test if carried out by driving a stick in the center of the bottom of some of them. They want to see, does not stick the stick "clean" with the dough, it will.

This recipe makes about 30 cupcakes.

When muffins are done, they turn to guns and let sit finish cooling on rack. NOT FROST cake until completely cool. Otherwise, the glaze melts and drips to the right of the cupcake.

Serve small cakes at room temperature. Store in sealed plastic or covered in the refrigerator. Eat within three days for best texture and freshness.

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Vietnamese BBQ Pork (Thit Xa Xiu) Recipe

Thit Xa Xiu

Char Siu Pork, literally pork is fork in Southeast China. Now is a favorite of all parts of Asia. It describes the method of hanging strips of marinated pork on a spit and roast in the oven or over an open fire. Char Siu Pork is Cantonese, Mandarin or in Cha Shao Thit Xa Xiu in Vietnamese. We are on the way to China, China's Thit Xa Xiu is an important influence on Vietnamese cuisine. Enjoy XOI (sticky rice), simple steamed rice, soup noodles, lo mein, fried rice, wok dishes, Bao (steamed bread, salad, and countless other dishes.

You can see pork in many, if not all Asian restaurants to win most probably due to the red food coloring customers' attention to. The contrast could not be more harmful than that of M & Ms or candy, but never really know what's happening in the kitchen. So, if you be sure that no dye gets into your roast pork Chinese style will be the best solution would be to prepare his home. Thit Xa Xiu I prefer, since I'm familiar with it.

Here's how to solve Thit Xa Xiu at home. This recipe omits red food dye color, but juicy and tasty Asian-style pork barbecue. I could not with the eyes cathcing store or restaurant bought Thit Xa Xiu compare, but I can guarantee that this is the best. If you prefer a little red, then you can add 4 to 5 tablespoons of tomato sauce for this recipe.

What you need

2 1/2 pounds boneless pork Sholder, well trimmed


3 teaspoons sesame oil

1 1/2 tablespoons dark soy sauce

2 1/2 PDD ligh soy sauce

2 tbsp Chinese rice wine or dry sherry

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

3 tablespoons honey

3 tablespoons hoisin sauce

1 teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder

2 tablespoons sugar

How to Fix

Cut the pork into strips about 2 inches thick and 6 inches in length.
In a bowl, combine sesame oil, soy sauce, soy sauce, rice wine, garlic, honey, hoisin sauce, five spice powder and sugar. Then add pork slices and stir well to coat evenly. Cover with plastic and WRAT put in the refrigerator 8 hours or up to 24 hours. Occasionally pork rotate to ensure that it is covered with the marinade.
An hour before grilling, remove pork from the refrigerator. Preheat oven to 475 F and place rack in upper third of oven. Place a roasting rack with aluminum foil-lined baking sheet. Place the pork slices and on the shelf. Leave about 1 inch between them. Keep the marinade, as it is to be used for basting.
Roast pork slices for about 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes, use tongs to pick up each pork slices and then bathe and role int the marinade. Back up to the grill and turn the pork slices in each moment. When the meat is charred slightly glazed and read at 145 F, which are carried out. Remove from the oven. Rest for 10 minutes to seal the juices.
Cut pork crosswise to the fiber. Place on serving platter. Hot or at room temperature. To freezing, wrap them securely in plastic and thrombosis sit in the freezer. You can freeze up to 3 months. To serve, reheat in the microwave.

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Classic Chocolate Truffle

8 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped (or chocolate)

1/2 cup whipping cream

2 tablespoons butter, cut into cubes

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Chopped nuts, cocoa powder, coconut, sprinkles, etc for coating truffles

Place the chopped chocolate in a large glass bowl. Heat cream and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat just to scalding. Remove from heat as soon as the cream begins to boil, do not boil. Pour the cream over the chocolate and let stand for one minute to soften chocolate. Add vanilla and stir until the chocolate is completely smooth. Pour chocolate mixture into a casserole dish 9-inch square. Refrigerate for an hour or until chocolate is set, like fudge, but still able Scoop.

In the meantime, prepare your coatings truffles. Toast the nuts and coconut, if desired. Enter the desired ingredients in small bowls, shallow and mount against him. Remove the chocolate filling from the refrigerator. Using a small cookie scoop, chocolate making into balls, flatten against the side of the middle your baking dish. Roll truffles in desired coatings and wax paper on a baking sheet lined. Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to two weeks. Makes 20-30 truffles, depending on size.

Some tips and suggestions. . .

I like to use all semi-sweet chocolate, milk or sour but if you prefer, that's fine too. You can even find a combination.

If you have a small cookie scoop, I recommend always before truffles. I made truffles with all kinds of devices to collect, and cookie scoop is the way to go! I think it helps me with a paper towel, rinse and truffles every 5 or so to dry. With a spoon actually reduces the clutter in rolls of truffle with your bare hands (which can still be done if you want perfectly round truffles) are involved. I like the flat bottom, though - they fit perfectly into small paper cups and cute!

If you let your chocolate in the fridge too long and find it difficult to remove, just let it come to room temperature and try again. Also, you have to press any fear Carefully layers in truffles, if you do not seem to hold.

You can dip chocolate truffles, if desired. You probably want to make them smaller than the size of the ball cookies if you go this route. I tend to make a big mess when dipping in chocolate, so I always roll mine in the coatings. It's also fun to choose different sprinkles on various festivals and celebrations reflect.

You can flavor your truffles (mint, orange, raspberry, etc.) by replacing the vanilla with different extracts.

If you saved your truffles in the refrigerator, it will taste better if you bring them to room temperature before eating (if you wait that long).

If I intend to give these have usually double the recipe. Four or five of these homemade truffles in a nice little box makes a thoughtful Valentine's gift and delicious! Happy Valentine's Day!

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Molten Mocha Cakes


For 2 people

2 tablespoons butter, a little more for molds
1/3 cup powdered sugar, plus more for serving and molds
2 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
1 large egg
1 large egg yolk
1 teaspoon coffee powder
A pinch of salt
3 tablespoons flour


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter two 6-ounce molds, and then sprinkle with sugar. Butter and chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high in 20 second increments, stirring after each, until melted. Allow to cool slightly.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix egg yolks, sugar, coffee powder and salt. Add the chocolate mixture, whisk to combine. Flour and beat until combined (do not overmix). Pour into prepared pans. (Recipe can be prepared ahead to this point.)
Bake until toothpick inserted 1/2 inch from edge of mold comes out clean, and a toothpick inserted in center comes moist, 10 to 12 minutes (do not overbake). Cool 10 minutes, cool on wire rack. Run a knife to loosen within the molds. Invert cake onto a plate for expansion. With sugar and serve immediately.

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Spicy shrimp

This spicy
shrimp recipe is basically prepared with a spicy tomato sauce. You can garlic sauce, spicy tomato sauce, add a little sweet and spicy. It is usually served with fried rice, but also knows when served with any kind of pasta and spaghetti.

1 pounds large shrimp (clean)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion (chopped)
2 garlic cloves (finely chopped)
15 ounces tomatoes (drained)
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
½ teaspoon dried thyme
¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, crushed
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tablespoon chopped parsley


First Saute onions and garlic in olive oil for 3-4 minutes until soft.
Second Add shrimp and cook for 2-3 minutes until shrimp has just turned pink.
Third Place shrimp in tomato mixture and cook plate, oregano, basil, thyme, ground pepper, pepper, salt and pepper over medium heat until the sauce begins to boil.
Third Simmer 5-8 minutes, then let you add the shrimp mixture into the sauce. Simmer again for 2 minutes more and then top with fresh parsley.

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How to make a lemon cheesecake is delicious diabetic friendly

Being diagnosed with diabetes usually means a change in lifestyle and diet. I have a terrible sweet tooth - If you're like I had this vision of all things sweet and good to disappear from my diet. Imagine my surprise to discover that not true. In fact, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating fresh fruit. And there are many ways to make delicious desserts for diabetics. As with all foods, we have seen our share and more diabetic candies. Do not make this cheese cake and eat it all before bedtime! However, incorporated into a healthy diet, you should be able to enjoy it. With its sugar-free ingredients and fresh fruit is healthy and tasty for everyone!


1 1/4 cracker crumbs *

1/4 cup Splenda granular

1/3 cup melted butter

1 package (3 oz) sugar-free lemon gelatin mixture

2/3 cup boiling water

2 bars (8 ounces each) cream cheese

6-oz lite / firm tofu

Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of 1 lemon

Sugar 1 cup whipped cream frozen, thawed

Fresh fruit of your choice, optional

In a small bowl, mix cookie crumbs, Splenda, and melted butter until well blended. With the back of a large spoon, press mixture into bottom and sides of an 8 inch pan. Chill the crust for about ten minutes.

In a blender mix the gelatin mixture of lemon and hot water, slowly add the cream cheese and tofu. Continue mixing until smooth. Divide the dough into a large bowl and add the lemon zest, lemon juice and fill thawed. Pour mixture into prepared pan, smoothing top. Cool for 4 hours or more. Before serving, garnish with whipped cream and fresh fruit / fruit of your choice, if desired.

* If you can not use cracker crumbs crumbs made their butter cookies without sugar or sugar-free vanilla wafers.

12 servings.

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