Classic Chocolate Truffle

8 ounces semisweet chocolate, finely chopped (or chocolate)

1/2 cup whipping cream

2 tablespoons butter, cut into cubes

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Chopped nuts, cocoa powder, coconut, sprinkles, etc for coating truffles

Place the chopped chocolate in a large glass bowl. Heat cream and butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat just to scalding. Remove from heat as soon as the cream begins to boil, do not boil. Pour the cream over the chocolate and let stand for one minute to soften chocolate. Add vanilla and stir until the chocolate is completely smooth. Pour chocolate mixture into a casserole dish 9-inch square. Refrigerate for an hour or until chocolate is set, like fudge, but still able Scoop.

In the meantime, prepare your coatings truffles. Toast the nuts and coconut, if desired. Enter the desired ingredients in small bowls, shallow and mount against him. Remove the chocolate filling from the refrigerator. Using a small cookie scoop, chocolate making into balls, flatten against the side of the middle your baking dish. Roll truffles in desired coatings and wax paper on a baking sheet lined. Store in an airtight container in refrigerator up to two weeks. Makes 20-30 truffles, depending on size.

Some tips and suggestions. . .

I like to use all semi-sweet chocolate, milk or sour but if you prefer, that's fine too. You can even find a combination.

If you have a small cookie scoop, I recommend always before truffles. I made truffles with all kinds of devices to collect, and cookie scoop is the way to go! I think it helps me with a paper towel, rinse and truffles every 5 or so to dry. With a spoon actually reduces the clutter in rolls of truffle with your bare hands (which can still be done if you want perfectly round truffles) are involved. I like the flat bottom, though - they fit perfectly into small paper cups and cute!

If you let your chocolate in the fridge too long and find it difficult to remove, just let it come to room temperature and try again. Also, you have to press any fear Carefully layers in truffles, if you do not seem to hold.

You can dip chocolate truffles, if desired. You probably want to make them smaller than the size of the ball cookies if you go this route. I tend to make a big mess when dipping in chocolate, so I always roll mine in the coatings. It's also fun to choose different sprinkles on various festivals and celebrations reflect.

You can flavor your truffles (mint, orange, raspberry, etc.) by replacing the vanilla with different extracts.

If you saved your truffles in the refrigerator, it will taste better if you bring them to room temperature before eating (if you wait that long).

If I intend to give these have usually double the recipe. Four or five of these homemade truffles in a nice little box makes a thoughtful Valentine's gift and delicious! Happy Valentine's Day!

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