How to make whole wheat pancakes moist and fluffy

Easy recipe for pancakes: Sri soft wheat pancakes

Anyone can make a decent omelette. But not everyone can make a surprisingly fluffy, golden brown, and a healthy cake that would make the doctor proud. What is the secret to fluffy pancakes from scratch?

We know that whole wheat has a tendency to produce a thick pancake. However, today you will learn how to make whole wheat bread with a secret special wet. Yes, you read correctly. Moist, thin, and healthier. This easy recipe calls for the replacement of 1/2 pie white flour with whole wheat flour and ... Sour cream. Just follow the secrets below and you're on your way to health is perfect for pancakes.

Whole wheat pancakes light and fluffy in the inside and golden on the outside, with a touch of freshness.
It's the little things that make a difference!

Secret # 1: Let the dough rest at least 10 minutes.

Let the mixture stand at room temperature for at least 10 minutes. Allow to soak up some flour liquidity in the cluster, while allowing the gluten to relax. Supported after the mixture and get something bubbly, do not mix.

Secret # 2: Beat the egg whites

Separate eggs and beat egg whites until stiff, then add in the rest of the dough.

Secret # 3: Temperature Control

If cooking on the stove, and measuring the temperature in the pan, and put a few drops of water in and see if the "dance" around. If the fall was just sitting there, it's too cold and if it evaporates too quickly, the weather is very hot.

If you are using a language with the temperature of the plate, which coincides with the temperature of the thickness of the mass. I prefer my pancakes on the thinner side, so I set to 350F.

= Mass of the HOT PAN thin (to cook food quickly) heavy hitter = COOLER PAN (to give time to cook through)

Secret # 4: Cream

Sour cream gives these pancakes divine silky texture and richness and added to taste. Are safe enough and healthy, but can not be made tremendous progress in the number of calories your own. Using a combination of both flour and whole wheat white flour gives a nutty sweet and fiber increase, however, does not produce dense tissue. He added a recipe for some oil and butter, but do not really need. Sometimes less is more. In this case, doubt about what to expect.

Secret # 5: Do not pay your pie

For the love of God, and resist the urge to press the pancake with your spatula. This is not one of those hitting the "mole" games. Delivered once and let it do its thing!

Wait waaaait ... To ...
I see a bubble!
The component is ....!
Sour cream and adds that "wow factor" that led to the super full WET wheat pie.
Wheat pancakes recipe

Ingredients for pancakes:

½ cup whole wheat flour
½ cup All purpose flour
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
Half a teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons of sour cream
¾ cup of low fat milk, 2% (or whole milk)
1 egg large

Technique is simple:

· Monitoring of the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, sugar, baking powder and salt)
· Beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Add milk and sour cream.
· Add the dry ingredients slowly, beating briefly after each addition until smooth. Do not over mix. There is nothing wrong in getting some of the blocks.
· Let the mixture sit for at least 10 minutes.
· Scoop ¼ cup of the mixture in the pan / grill and cook for 2-3 minutes.

* Use a long spoon, carefully passed under each pie on the face.

· Let the pancakes cook for 2 minutes.

· Pies my feet on the spot! Enjoy with a little pure maple syrup!

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