An easy dessert recipe Berry Tart

Summer is almost here, and what better way to a summer evening with a refreshing dessert, slightly acidic full berry. These cakes, the essence of the summer harvest of fresh berries with more than one apple mint "whipped cream". Do not be fooled by the text, however. Not a single drop of milk in this recipe. It is only the fruit of fruits and cakes. So it should be! In this article I will show you the ropes to make this delicious homemade cakes a few basic ingredients. See how easy it is to be so surprised.


Active Time - 15 minutes

Total - 30 minutes

Energy - Two 5-inch-Tarts

Note - Although I added an egg yolk to sour dough is not necessary. I thought if I needed the protein for the apple filling, I recommend the egg yolks for a good cause. You can do whatever you want.
Harold Imports of ceramic fluted tart pan 5 inches Pan Harold Imports of ceramic fluted tart 5 inches

Ingredients -

Pie dough -

3/4 cup flour
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon water

Apple mint "whipped cream" -

1 Apple
2 tablespoons mint
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 egg white
Juice of 1/4 lemon
1/2 pint of fresh berries

Process -

Pie crust -

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Put flour in a bowl and mix with sugar and salt.
  • Cut the butter and egg yolks Prick with a fork. Add water and stir the flour mixture until dough forms a loose.
  • Part of the dough into equal parts and press into a pie shell each. Cutting any excess dough around the rim.
  • Encounter holes in the bottom of the dough to prevent the formation of bubbles. Bake 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
  • If you're ready to remove to a wire rack and let sit at room temperature.

Assembling the cake -

  • Finely grate the apples. The finer texture, you can get, the better the results. Once shredded, in a bowl and add the splash of lemon juice to prevent browning.
  • The mint leaves in a mortar mix with the sugar until a paste is green. Add this to the apple mixture and give it a good shaking.
  • Finally, add the egg, and begins to beat. With his hand in a glass bowl, which was able to achieve decent soft peaks. With a copper container and the bottom of the mixing machine is obtained for a much more rigid peaks applesauce firmer texture.
  • Pour foam mint, apple pastry chilled glasses and garnish with fresh strawberries and mint leaves. Serve immediately.

Fresh raspberries on a mint fluffy goodness of the pillow block. Tasty things to my friends!

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