Vegetarian PIZZA

If you are a strict vegetarian, or a new plant in particular, or if you have to cook for a vegetarian, you may wonder how to make a good vegetarian pizza.

Make a vegetarian pizza is very simple, and that vegetarians eat cheese. Therefore, you can make a cheese pizza, or even just a natural cheese pizza loaded with all kinds of vegetables.

The challenge for the vegetarian pizza is the fact that vegetarians do not eat cheese. A cheese plant for sale, and, of course, but even before it goes on this road should consider something else.

Original pizza, one in which all the others are pizza originated in Naples in southern Italy and is known as the Pizza Marinara. That the original pizza, for the first time a reality, not cheese.

This seems very strange to most of us who are used to match the stringy cheese pizza dripping. However, in Italy and southern Europe in general, pizza without cheese is very common.

In the Mediterranean region, covering North Africa and the Near East and South East Asia, Europe, and is sometimes used as a descriptive chips pizza dough. Pies, pizza without cheese is amazing too.

In fact, although we think of when we think of pizza in the pizza, making pizza great is the rule. Without the presence of a suitable base, no matter how good the ingredients are, unfortunately, and pizza will be a failure.

Is a real meal with Italian Marinara Pizza 00, and this is good, such as talcum powder, but with a lot of protein and gluten, so it can stretch very thin, but still very strong and an excellent thin crust base.

In addition, real pizza marinara must be baked in wood burning oven super hot, so hot pizza can be cooked in a little bit of every 60 to 90 seconds.

If you do not have a wood oven baked pizza, do not worry. Although you can get a wood fired ovens in the reach of your backyard now, and there is also a pizza oven amazing counter top that does an excellent job. Instead, you can get bread pizza stone also gives superior results.

Marinara Pizza is one true marinara sauce ingredients, oil, garlic, oregano and olive oil.

Again, the ingredients are very important here. It consists sauce tomatoes marinara with authentic San Marzano, oil, garlic, thyme and olive oil must be fresh.

Now if you want to add components to this, you must do so in moderation and good taste. American tradition of pizza rapid accumulation of food ingredients on the pizza is not for this purpose.

You can get a very innovative combinations, especially using such

Oven roasted garlic and red pepper pizza
Garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil and olive quality (with the drill!) And mustard seeds
Tomato pesto pizza
Mushrooms and artichokes seasoned with lemon juice and pepper pizza hearts
White garlic sauce with onions, homemade caramel, and fresh sliced ​​tomatoes, red pepper and a little chopped
Pizza Potato (paper thin sliced ​​potatoes with fresh rosemary, chopped, onion, pepper and ground (optional), and extra virgin olive oil) - Pizza certainly alien to the American ear, but a common favorite in Europe.

Now, if this is not for you, you can go from the traditional fast-food pizza the U.S., and only veganize.

Thus, a vegetarian alternative to cow's milk cheese, cheese, and you can even get a flavor of the meat alternatives pepperoni, salami or ham.

There are even vegetarian frozen pizza taste good too.

Regardless of the path you go, there really is a lot of options for vegetarians who want to eat pizza.

Not only that, but do not have to be a fake vegetarian alternative, but the real pizza, real, original, as it was supposed to be.

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