Dessert Recipe - Beet Parfait

Among root vegetables, beets is not sufficient as the middle child with love and appreciation.
Think of some other plants of the same family or relatives. Potatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots are almost enjoyed all over the world, while burdock and genseng known for its medical applications. However, when it comes to beets, do not seem to worry many people too much of their flavor or health benefits. So I decided to give this middle child some love and use it as an essential part of my dessert. Some people add the turnip cakes and muffins, but I do not feel like baking today. Instead, I'm a frozen dessert of sugar, which is lighter, healthier and low in calories. There is also a very delicate dessert-looking with beautiful contrasts of textures and colors. I know that the idea may sound unpleasant desserts for some of you, but if you try to give this recipe a healthy parfait, you like candy beets will be surprised, perhaps.
My beet parfait ..... YUM!

Beet Parfait Ingredients (2)

Case of the beet confit

1 medium turnip (cut into small cubes)
2 tablespoons. Sugar
2 tablespoons. Honey
1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract
A pinch of cinnamon
about 1/2 - 1 cup water

For sugar beet parfait

1 cup low-fat vanilla
6-8 tablespoons. Granola
low-fat cream
candied sugar

As you can candied beets

  • Place beet cubes into a small saucepan. Add enough water (about 1/2 - 1 cup) to cover them.
  • Bring to a boil tender.
  • Add the honey and sugar. Stirring, until sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Add the vanilla extract and cinnamon. These two ingredients really help hide the earthy smell of sugar beet. Excerpts from rum, mint and rose a few other interesting options you can also be considered.
  • Reduce heat to simmer and leave for about 8 to 10 minutes. Stir from time to time.
  • Remove from heat and discard excess liquid.
  • Let your candied beets cool to room temperature, for a while, then cover and refrigerate for at least an hour before the parfait.

As part Fait beet

Take part fait has to do with layers. To use yogurt and granola about this recipe, please do not hesitate to do so. You can also use the layers if you want. If a dessert fun and stress to be free, so you not afraid to experiment and your personal touch to it! What I did was layer of yogurt 1/4 cup of vanilla, 2 granola and 1/4 tablespoons candied beets I made earlier, then repeat the layers and low-fat topping with a dollop of whipped cream. This recipe for sugar beet parfait should produce 2 small servings.
Source: Satrina0,
Health benefits of sugar beet

Prevent cancer - Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules may, beets help reduce the risk of many cancers, especially colon cancer. A possible cause of cancer is caused by excessive consumption of nitrate, a chemical found in processed meats as a preservative, which can lead to the production of hazardous compounds nitrosamines in the body. Several studies show that the beet betacyanins can prevent or delay the cell mutations caused by these compounds.

Keep Your Heart Hearty, chronic inflammation in the cardiovascular system often leads to heart disease. The anti-inflammatory molecules in beets can help these unwanted inflammation and keep your heart healthy in the long run. In addition, beet fiber also help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, which gradually accumulate in the arteries, so that a beet per day could really be a hard heart.

Help in the detoxification betaines in beet have shown that the liver function and bile flow, which ultimately stimulate a faster and more efficient detoxification. If you come to a toxic environment in contact and believe that your body needs detoxification support as far as possible, it may be desirable to beets to your normal diet.

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