Make your own chocolate for diabetics

It is very important that you buy the right chocolate for this recipe, do not try to save a few cents and buy cheap dark chocolate, because it is much less cocoa and more sugar, which contains the whole purpose of the exercise defeats.

I've used 85% cocoa chocolate (this means that generally summed the total mass of cocoa butter and cocoa powder in chocolate to 85% of the total weight of the rod. The other 15% consists mainly of sugar, with a little vanilla is usually added for flavor, and a small amount of added soy lecithin as an emulsifier). I added clove powder, because it adds a subtle spicy roundness to the taste of chocolate, which I like. If you want a different spice, ginger and cardamom, which work well in place, or a few drops of pure orange oil or peppermint work well.

Keep in mind, I added a bit of fructose to the coating mixture in order to take the edge off the bitterness of the cocoa. Fructose is a sweetener is much better suited for people with diabetes than sucrose, since it does not cause an insulin response, but like all sugars there are health problems if consumed in large quantities, quantities that do not change the recipe.

These truffles have a very intense chocolate flavor, and are less sweet than most confectionery, so a single truffle is probably a long way to go. Relax and enjoy not swallow!

Extra Dark Truffles with Clove


100 grams (3.5 ounces) of chocolate 85% cocoa

80 ml (2.7 fl oz.) Double cream

¼ teaspoon powdered cloves

4 tablespoons cocoa powder

1 teaspoon of fructose


To melt chocolate, cut or break into small pieces and in a water bath or a heatproof bowl over a pot that is large enough to support to round out the edges. Type in some water into the base of double boiler or saucepan (but not enough to touch the bottom of the cup that holds the chocolate) water and simmer very gently heated, stirring occasionally during the merger. Make sure the water at the bottom of the pan does not boil dry. Also, be sure not to let the water come in contact with the chocolate, as "leverage", ie make a thick paste with a strange texture that is completely useless. Once the chocolate is completely melted, allow to cool for a few minutes.

Fold the cooled chocolate into the cream lightly and double clove powder and put in refrigerator to cool, from a stir every 10-15 minute intervals, until the consistency is such that you form in your hands.

Place the cocoa and fructose, in a small airtight container and shake well form. The sieved mixture into a plate.

Then pour the mixture into balls about 1 truffle-inch in diameter, by rolling between your palms and then roll each in cocoa mixture and tap off the excess on the edge of the plate when it is completely covered.

Truffles should be stored in airtight container in the refrigerator and should be eaten within a week.

For about 24 truffles. The entire batch contains 94g fat and 990 calories, so that the fat dissolves calories/4g about 41 truffles.

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